The Oakland Strokes would like to welcome junior rowers to race at the Faultline Faceoff Regatta. Located at the San Pablo Dam Reservoir on Saturday and Sunday, February 27th-28th. We look forward to seeing you there!
Parking ***NEW FOR 2016***
This year we will not be selling permits to individuals. Rather, permits will be sold to each team for distribution to their parents, coaches, and volunteers. The permits will be for in and out privileges for both Saturday and Sunday and parking in the main lot, by the boat launch. Parents should check with their own team’s head coaches to see if there will be a permit available for them to use. There will be no purchasing of permits on-site.
If you do not have a permit before you arrive you need to park in the overflow parking at the Orinda BART station and take the shuttle. Please plan your time accordingly. The shuttle will run every 20-30 minutes.
Dropping off athletes ***NEW FOR 2016***
Plan ahead for getting your athletes to the site. If your parents are carpooling and do not have a permit, you may want to plan on using some of your permits to shuttle your athletes into the venue. We will do our best with the shuttles, but at peak times (6am to 8am on Sunday) we may be limited in our ability to get athletes to the site in a time efficient way. Please plan ahead.
Saturday All Day – All athletes must arrange for their own transportation to the event, whether by carpooling or by using the overflow parking shuttle from the Orinda BART station. No cars will be allowed into the venue to drop athletes without a permit, so please plan ahead.
Sunday 6am to 8am - We are running a special shuttle for Athletes in the early morning hours. Athletes may be dropped at the first parking lot at the EBMUD Headquarters parking lot. From there they will be shuttled to the main venue. No cars will be allowed into the venue to drop athletes without a permit, so please plan ahead.
Sunday 8am-3pm – All athletes must arrange for their own transportation to the event, whether by carpooling or by using the overflow parking shuttle from the Orinda BART station. No cars will be allowed into the venue to drop athletes without a permit, so please plan ahead.
Please review the PDF above for specific instructions regarding parking, driving instructions and dropping off athletes.
Registration and Entries
You can register for Faultline Faceoff via RegattaCentral as well as view entries.
We need volunteers to help us run a safe and successful regatta. Please view and sign up for volunteer positions via SignUp Genius. We will continually update volunteer opportunities as they become available.
Food Trucks
We will have Food Trucks available at the site for Sunday! There will be many tastes to suit your voracious appetite, and a coffee truck on Sunday to get you up and going.
Beaulah’s Coffee (opening by 8:30!) - Beulah's Bean Truck, named after our French Bulldog, is from Oakland and serves only local goods including Roast Co coffee beans, and Jittery Johns Cold Brew.
Tony Li Dumplings - crispy fried pork and chicken dumplings, teriyaki chicken rice bowls and japanese curry chicken rice bowls
Where’s the Fist - artisan style wood fired pizzas using the finest ingredients available. They offer one meat, one vegetarian, and plain cheese option. They sell whole pizzas or pizzas by the slice.
Doc’s of the Bay - American comfort food sandwiches and sides, with a menu centered around the Doc's Classic Burger, Fennel-Fried Chicken Sandwich, Award-Winning Veggie Burger, and House Original Recipe Red Bell Pepper Ketchup.
IzzyA’s Custard - old fashioned frozen ice cream custard. Pesticide free and as close to 100% pure, simple and organic as possible.
We will have a T-shirt vendor on site who will be selling event T-shirts. In addition, JL Designs will also have a booth!